Pada Remaja, Kebencian terhadap Diri Sendiri, dapat Memicu Perilaku Toxic Disinhibition Online


In the digital era, aggressiveness can be shown in Toxic Disinhibition Online behavior, where people can curse, bully, and pressure their co-stars both verbally and psychologically while online. A lot of people do not realize that the aggressive behavior displayed is influenced by self-hatred, the same goes for Toxic Disinhibition Online's behavior. This study looks at how self-hate can be related to the emergence of Toxic Disinhibition Online behavior. This study looks at how self-hate can be related to the emergence of Toxic Disinhibition Online behavior. Measurements were taken on 115 teenagers who played online games, and used the Online Disinhibition Scale and the Self-Hate Scale. The result is that Self-Hate has an effect of 7.5% on Toxic Disinhibition Online, in a positive direction. This means, when a teenager does not like or hate himself, then there is a possibility that he will display Toxic Disinhibition Online's aggressive behavior when playing online games.Pada era digital, agresifitas dapat ditunjukkan dalam perilaku Toxic Disinhibition Online, dimana orang dapat mengumpat, merundung, dan menekan lawan mainnya baik secara verbal maupun psikologis pada saat online. Banyak orang tidak menyadari bahwa perilaku agresifitas yang ditampilkan dipengaruhi oleh kebencian terhadap dirinya sendiri, begitu pula dengan perilaku Toxic Disinhibition Online. Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana self-hate dapat berkaitan dengan munculnya perilaku Toxic Disinhibition Online. Pengukuran dilakukan kepada 115 remaja yang bermain game online, dan menggunakan alat ukur Online Disinhibition Scale dan Self-Hate Scale. Hasilnya adalah Self-Hate memiliki pengaruh sebesar 7,5% terhadap Toxic Disinhibition Online, dengan arah positif.  Hal ini berarti, ketika remaja tidak menyukai atau membenci dirinya sendiri, maka ada kemungkinan ia menampilkan perilaku agresifitas Toxic Disinhibition Online pada saat bermain game online

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