Ozonized sunflower seeds oil in the treatment of pressure ulcers


Ozone therapy can be defined as a bio-oxidative therapy in which the ozone is administered through different routes (gaseous, dissolved in water or oil) to obtain a beneficial effect in a living system sick. Ozone has many actions that have encouraged the use of this molecule in the field of dentistry, orthopedics and dermatology. In fact, ozone has the following properties: antimicrobial, immunostimulant, antihypoxic, biosynthetic, analgesic and hemostatic. The substrates containing unsaturated lipids react with the O2/O3 gas mixture causing the formation of derivatives ozonized therapeutically active. The therapeutic use of ozone gas for the treatment of skin diseases is unwieldy and for this reason the ozonated oils may represent a valid alternative. The oil extracted from the seeds of sunflower is characterized by a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids and a low content of saturated fatty acids. Ozonation of sunflower seeds oil leads to the formation of ozonides of linoleic acid which possess high stability (up to 15 years). The daily application of ozonized oils in pressure ulcers has resulted in the rapid disappearance of bacterial superinfection and the formation of granulation tissue, which favored the reduction of the affected are

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