Cities in Transition


The dense volume "Cities in transition" collects the proceedings of the 1st IFAU conference organised in 2017 in Tirana, Albania, by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University of Tirana and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pristine "Hasan Prishtina", with the care of Florian Nepravishta and Andrea Maliqari under the direction of Scientific Committee. The event attracted scholars and researchers from the southern Adriatic area, and this fact reflects the prevalence of contributions dealing with topics centred on the territories of Albania, Kosovo and the Italian regions of the southern Adriatic, with some significant investigations on the Campania region. However, the absence of any indication about to the affiliation of the contributors makes it difficult, except in broad terms, to draw comparisons and identify adjacencies or divergences between the methodological approaches and research horizons of the different schools of origin. The conference focused on the transformative processes affecting cities, which in the curatorial programme are observed through three distinct - and heterogeneous - themes

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