Disentanglement among vitamins D


Vitamin D is essential for intestinal calcium absorption andtherefore crucial for skeletal health. In addition, its beneficialeffects extend outside bone tissue. The list of putative non-skeletal effects for which vitamin D adequacy is needed rangesfrom diseases at birth to those causing death. Associationsbetween a poor vitamin D status and endometriosis, uterinemyoma, dysmenorrhea, abnormal PAP smear results, and high-risk HPV infection of the cervix have also been described. Just tostay in our days, a possible favorable role of“vitamin D”in mod-ulating SARS-COV-2 infection has been demonstrated by some[1] but not all researchers. However, hypovitaminosis D (a termwe would prefer to indicate both deficiency and insufficiency, inanalogy with other clinical conditions, i.e. hypomagnesemia, hypo-calcemia, hyposideremia) is highly prevalent in the world

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