16th Congress PAA (Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies)


The aim of this research is to test the hypothesis concerning the presence of refugee areas in East Africa during MIS4, when the climate becomes unstable, and the following MIS3, through the investigation of faunal remains from Gotera, Southern Ethiopia. This paper analyses the faunal remains collected during the excavation of the GOT10 site; the site presents an archaeological sequence carrying in situ lithics and faunal remains in association with fireplaces dated to the MIS3. This area is rich in archaeological data, possibly suggesting population continuity even during the strong climatic fluctuations characterizing the period. The faunal assemblage is composed of about 2500 fragments and has been identified and classified through the classical method of archaeozoological analysis. It shows a high bone fragmentation, with a low degree of preservation but the possibility to determine the presence/absence of certain species relevant for the environmental reconstruction. The sample analyzed shows the presence of several species of herbivores and carnivores, lagomorphs and rodents, birds and turtles have been identified so far. The taphonomical and isotopic analyses are ongoing. This field and laboratory-based research are expected to lay foundations to open up new research avenues on human behavior and the exploitation of its associated environment

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