Education Technology Policy In Teaching And Learning


This research is to develop a Education Policy Technology in teaching and learning. The process of developing policies work involves the Delphi technique works. The Delphi Technique implementation process chosen by the researcher which it involves five rounds? Seven qualified experts appointed by the expertise and have the criteria in the policy area. The policy was developed based on the standards ISO 27001 and Security Policy Information and Communication Technology for the Public Sector by MAMPU (Malaysia Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit) . Integrated Model Delaney in Development Policy adopted by researchers for the process of developing the policy area. Future policy development outcomes can be applied at the Institute of Teacher Education In Malaysia (ITEM) and indirectly provides a guide to future teachers who will be placed in primary schools as their guide in conducting teaching and learning in technology education. The final formulation of collecting data represent the opinions and comments of experts which will be used as a complete production of the draft policy

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