Presentation of Dogmatis, An Inter and Multidisciplinary Programme for the Assessment of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Fish, and Results About Risk of fortuitous Import on French Market


DOGMATIS is a research project funded by the French Research Agency (ANR, programme ANR-OGM 2007-2010). The transgenic technologies have been applied to fish since more than 20 years now and some strains are at the premarket or market stage in countries outside Europe. In Europe the main risk is a fortuitous import. Any rumour of uncontrolled arrival of GM fish on the European market may have strong impacts on the market chain, the research and innovation system and the trust in public regulation. The aim of DOGMATIS is to anticipate the answers. It associates specialists of fish transgenesis, GMO detection and regulation, fish market chain economy, consumer sociology and contemporary science philosophy and epistemology. To tackle this multifactorial subject, we developed original methodologies including assumptions based on the quantitative and qualitative knowledge from the different experts of DOGMATIS. We propose to present the programme and the results of our investigation concerning an assessments of the risk of fortuitous presence of GM Fish on the French market, which has been done by crossing the data from scientific literature gathered in a data bank and an expert analysis of filtered statistics of international trade, for the two farmed species concerned by transgenesis techniques and imported on the French market, salmon and tilapia.Keywords: Posters, Markets and Trade, Fisheries Economic

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