The effect of acquisition and analysis automation failure in a low-fidelity multitasking system


Research into the effect of automation on human multitasking performance is primarily focused on Decision Automation (a machine suggesting a certain course of action for a human operator to take) and Action Automation (a machine carrying out a certain course of action on behalf of the human operator) while Acquisition Automation (a machine provides assistance which helps a human operator in sensing information) and Analysis Automation (a machine provides information predicting the future state of a system) have been acknowledged as types of automation but largely ignored. The inclusion of the former in systems which require human multitasking is beneficial, while the effects of the latter are unclear. In order to determine said effects a study was conducted using a low fidelity simulation of a multitasking system with No Automation, Acquisition Automation, and Analysis Automation states, as well as failure states for those systems with automation included. Results show no statistically significant difference in performance between systems with the automation enabled versus those with the automation in a failed state, nor was there any statistically significant difference between the performance of groups with no automation present and those with automation present (in both active and failed states)

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