Influence of red alder competition on cambial phenology and latewood formation in Douglas-fir


To better understand the influence of competition on wood formation and wood quality in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco), patterns of cambial growth and latewood production were examined for one growing season in 15-year-old plantations with similar densities but differing Douglas-fir/red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) ratios. The treatments consisted of plots having different proportions of Douglas-fir vs. red alder, different red alder planting dates, and one of two total planting densities. Cambial growth was tracked using the pinning method. Cambial activity in most trees began between May 12 and May 23, and ended between August 27 and September 10. Mean date of transition to latewood was July 6. In the treatment with the highest mean red alder basal area, Douglas-fir trees began radial growth later and ended earlier in the year than those in pure Douglas-fir stands. There was no evident effect of competition from red alder on the duration of cambial activity in treatments with intermediate to low red alder basal areas. In all treatments, the duration of radial growth was shorter in smaller-diameter trees. Early transition to latewood production was also associated with higher red alder basal area. Percent latewood was unaffected by treatment, but it was dependent on the date of a treeʼs transition to latewood production.Keywords: latewood, cambial growth, red alder, Douglas-fir, phenolog

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