Innovative diversification of fishing units through women initiatives


Traditionally, European fisherwomen were often involved in fisheries sector by selling fish. Today, their contribution is more diversified with very limited legal recognition: management of fishing enterprise, maintenance of gears. Fisherwomen continue to sell fish because it is often a good way to get a better price. Confronted with economic difficulty, fishing households are faced with the alternative of re-conversion in another activity or the search for complementary source of incomes. One way of generating new income lies in the diversification of activities while remaining centred on fishing. Valorising the product and the image of fishing by processing or by providing catering/accommodation services is a route that many of them are exploring. Women occupy a centre position within this concept of fishing based diversification. They appear to have been very innovate in Europe by developing new activities such as accommodation for tourists, processing units, collective fish markets. By setting, under their responsibility, new activities, these women have gained more recognition as income providers in the households. It has also contributed to take many of them in the arena of public voicing. This presentation will be illustrated by empirical material collected under the EU funded FEMMES programme, a network launched by researchers in social and humans sciences and fisherwomen associations.Keywords: Europe, fisherwomen, innovation, Gender Issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Fisheries Economics, diversificatio

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