Trials and tribulations from a hardwood forestry literature junkie : the hardwood information project


This presentation and paper were presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources. Proceedings of that conference were not disseminated. As further work by this author was presented as an update in the 7th Biennial Conference, we have included this supplementary material in this collection as well.The Hardwood Information Project (THIP) involves the accumulation and organization of literature under the broad categories of ecology, silviculture, and management of hardwoods. The goal of THIP is to have the best collection of hardwood literature in the world located in one place in a logical and easily retrievable format. The cornerstone of THIP is Forestry Abstracts. I have developed and use a system that involves Forestry Abstracts and the National Agricultural Library to identify and retrieve hardwood and related literature for storage and future use. This system is based on lecture topics from a college course in hardwood management. I will describe THIP, including success in literature retrieval through Forestry Abstracts and the National Agricultural Library, and how articles are filed for easy retrieval and use. I also welcome suggestions for improvements to THIP.Keywords: retrieval, hardwoods, literature, continuing educatio

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