FRONTS 80 : preliminary results from an investigation of the wintertime North Pacific subtropical front


The FRONTS-80 experiment is a joint investigation supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as the lead agency with additional contributions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. Navy and the Canadian Forces. Support from these agencies is gratefully acknowledged. We also gratefully acknowledge the assistance and cooperation provided by the officers and crews of the NOAA Ship OCEANOGRAPHER, the R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON, the HMCS PROVIDER, the HMCS GATINEAU, the HMCS KOOTENAY, the HMCS RESTIGOUCHE and the aircraft of the Commander Patrol Wing Two, U.S. Navy. It should be emphasized that this report is preliminary. It is a report of the observational phase of FRONTS-80 and preliminary results from individual investigators. The report is intended to aid and encourage an integrated analysis of the observations. Individual contributions should not be referenced without consent of the authors. Investigators are expected to provide more comprehensive reports and publications which will. be suitable for referencing. Specific acknowledgment of support by agency and grant or contract number will be given in these reports and publications

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