A compilation of observations from moored current meters and thermographs (and of complementary oceanographic and atmospheric data). Vol. 2. Oregon continental shelf, August-September 1966


A summary of one phase of a direct observational program conducted in the coastal region off Oregon is presented. The measurements were made primarily on the continental shelf in late coastal upwelling season (August and September 1966). The principal measurements were time series of horizontal current velocity and temperature fields; these observations were made with an array of moored, recording meters. Supplementary measurements of hydrographic variables, wind, atmospheric pressure, and mean sea level were also made. The emphasis of this data report is on the graphical and tabular display of first-order statistics. Limited descriptive remarks are made in order to provide some interpretation for these initial results. More thorough analyses and discussions of the observations are expected to follow from this stage of analysis. In brief, this set of measurements in the coastal upwelling frontal zone indicates the flow field: is highly variable on the time scale of tidal-like motions to that of motions with several-day periods. ii) has a southerly mean at a depth of 20 meters (in the "surface layer"). iii) has a northerly mean at a depth of 60 meters (at the base of the "permanent pycnocline"), has a marked response to variations in the wind field on the time scale of several days. Recommendations regarding future observations and analyses are made

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