Benguela Source and Transport Project (BEST) : current measurements off the coast of South Africa : WOCE ACM-4, June 1992-October 1993


The BEST (Benguela Source and Transport) project was designed to investigate the form of the Benguela Current and ratio of the Aguhlhas Current and South Atlantic Current source waters masses. The transport of the Benguela Current and its variability was measured by a moored array of instruments, inverted echo sounders (IES), inverted echo sounders with pressure gauges (PIES), current meter moorings, and hydrographic surveys as wells as analysis of the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter data. This report presents data from the current meter moorings. The BEST mooring array was deployed in June 1992 and recovered in October 1993. The array consisted of 4 subsurface moorings laid off the West Coast of Africa along 30° South. Figs 1 & 2. BEST objectives contribute to the WOCE International plan. The 30° S mooring array is identified by WOCE as ACM-4

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