Landscape Management Policy Simulator (LAMPS) : version 1.1 : user guide


The LAndscape Management Policy Simulator (LAMPS) model, version 1.1, is a spatial simulation model developed to provide forest landscape planning simulations for the Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS). It is designed to help policymakers, managers, and planners think through alternative management scenarios and their potential effects on the ecological and economic resources of Oregon's Coast Range forests. LAMPS simulates changes to landscape structure over time, incorporating the management intentions of the four major landowner groups and vegetation dynamics. Socioeconomic and ecological information is used to track and allocate activities across the landscape. LAMPS projects, with relatively high resolution, forest conditions across broad areas, all ownership groups, and a planning horizon of 100 yr. This user guide provides instructions on how to use LAMPS for forest landscape simulations of alternative forest policies for the Coast Range of Oregon

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