Perceptual thresholds for foot slipping in animated characters


The computer game industry continues to progress toward realistic-looking character motion. However, even in state-of-the-art games, the use of motion capture data in character animation may result in errors such as “foot slipping,” where the feet do not match up with the floor properly during translation. Various algorithms have been proposed to minimize foot slipping, including one which changes limb lengths. While foot slipping decreases the realism of character motion, there must be some threshold below which this error is imperceptible; devoting further processor time in these cases is wasteful. We apply the classical method of perception threshold determination using a set of motion clips with parameterized slipping error. From this experiment, we develop guidelines for acceptable error. Furthermore, we show that introducing simple camera motion may increase the perceptual threshold, and thus could be used to “mask” foot slipping errors

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