Buildout density projections for the West Corvallis Growth Management Project


Benton County, Oregon has been experiencing relatively high growth and development during the last five years. This new growth has put a strain on urban and rural development in the county. To cope with this growth, comprehensive plans, zoning, and many other planning issues must be assessed and revised according to the needs of the community. In 1992, the West Corvallis Growth Management Project was established and intended to be the focus of new urban development in the county. The incorporation of a planning tool, such as buildout density projections, will permit better land use decisions to be made in the West Corvallis Project area. The buildout density projections demonstrate how low, medium, or high growth and development could affect the project area according to its current infrastructure limitations. As a planning tool, density projection information will be important information for determining how to re-delimit the zoning districts in the project area

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