Hydrodynamic loads on fiber-optic micro cables


A Finite Element Model of a deployed Fiber-Optic Micro Cable (FOMC) was performed using the marine cable modeling software, OrcaFlex. The focus of this study was a parametric analysis of a two-part, towed cable array with the FOMC dragged behind a depressor and connected to a drogue chute. Length-to-diameter ratios ranged from 3 x 10⁵ to 2 x 10⁶. Cable diameter was found to be the most critical parameter because of its influence on buoyancy while the tangential drag coefficient was surprisingly unimportant due to the presence of the drogue. Semi-analytical expressions to predict tension and cable elevation are presented as well as recommendations on equipment required to perform a physical experiment. The results were applied to a modified setup of the physical experiment that will deploy the FOMC from a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to an anchored mooring line. Recommended peel tensions for the tension controlled winch are provided

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