CALTRANS: Impact of the Use of Portland-Limestone Cement on Concrete Performance as Plain or Reinforced Material - Final Report


CALTRANS does not currently allow Portland-Limestone Cements (PLC) to replace Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in concrete. PLC has been proposed for consideration in CALTRANS specifications due to potential benefits in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This report outlines a comprehensive plan to provide both experimental and computational analysis results to address whether PLC may replace OPC without loss of mechanical and durability performance of concrete materials and mixtures specific to California. The objective of this study was to provide data for CALTRANS to make informed decisions on whether specification changes to permit use of PLC would be appropriate. Additionally, the research team was asked to assess the impact of added limestone (LS) powder as an alternative to using ASTM C 595/AASHTO M 240 cement

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