Artificial means of distinguishing smooth-line map unit boundaries : an examination of Oregon soil survey maps


This data set is used in the Master thesis of Yulin Sun (2017). It contains geospatial vector data (shapefiles), Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The geospatial vector data include both the data of original soil delineations and that of the convex hull of individual soil delineations. The attribute tables of these vector data contain the primary parameters that have been used to calculate shape descriptors. The Microsoft Excel spreadsheets contain values of calculated shape descriptors for each soil delineations and their corresponding convex hulls. The PDF files contains the R codes to conduct the statistical analyses on the data set. The statistical analyses used in Sun's thesis are kernel density estimation, two sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (ks test), and scatter plot

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