Constructing a gene expression atlas of Chia (Salvia hispanica)


• Salvia hispanica, also known as Chia, is an annual plant of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Chia is a vascular plant with perennating buds initially formed at or within the soil surface. Chia grows to roughly one meter tall at maturity, with leaves growing in opposite arrangement, small purple flowers, and black, grey, or white oval shaped seeds between 1 and 2mm lengthwise. • More known for its ornamental use in the terra cotta pot “Chia-pet”, Chia has been a staple in human diets since pre-Columbian times. Currently Chia is popularly used for its health properties. Chia’s high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids offer health benefits in childhood development as well as in lowering risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in adults. Chia seeds consist of between 25 and 40 percent oil, of which 80% are essential omega oils. Chia is promising as a diversified field crop in its ability to grow well in arid environments. • Our research is focused on achieving broad understanding of the transcriptomic profile of chia, based on selected tissues at various stages of development, in order to provide knowledge and understanding of its Omega oils and broader potential as a human food source. The chia subspecies, Salba, was used for this study

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