A compilation of observations from moored current meters. Vol. 12. Wind currents and temperature over the continental shelf and slope off Peru during JOINT II, March 1976-May 1977


Oregon State University installed and recovered moorings along the coast of Peru during the period late March 1976 through mid-May 1977. A mid-shelf mooring near 15°S (MILA) was maintained for the full duration of the experiment, through five successive installations. This site was complemented by six other moorings in the first half of 1976 and by nine in the March-April-May 1977 period. These simultaneous moorings were arranged in onshore-offshore arrays near 15°S and in alongshore arrays at midshelf from 10°S to 15°30'S. The data described in this report consists of the hourly processed and filtered values of wind and current velocity, air and water temperature, and pressure from the 1976-1977 Peru installations. We describe the data through installation summaries, statistics tables, progressive vector diagrams, speed and direction histograms, rotary spectra and time series plots

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