OPP Implementation in the WCPO


The tuna catch from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) amounted to 2.86 m mt in 2014, worth USD5.8 b and accounting for about 60% of the global tuna catch. About 60% of the catch was taken in the waters of the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) member-countries and territories, about one third of the global catch by volume. The three main fish stocks of skipjack, yellowfin and albacore, accounting for 95% of the catch are ‘biologically healthy’.  However, bigeye tuna is overfished and albacore longline fishing, particularly by domestic fleets, is uneconomic. Although there is little scope to increase catches, the economic benefits of the fishery to resource owners have increased dramatically in recent times, through access fees, domestication of fleets, onshore processing and export revenues, but only 30% of fish caught in FFA-member waters is taken by local fleets and only 15% is landed for processing. To increase and maintain benefits, Pacific Island countries seek to raise their level of participation in the value chain, but are constrained by challenges in market access, lack of infrastructure, transport and utility costs, low labor productivity and often weak Government investment frameworks. FFA’s implementation of OPP in the region is developing a pipeline of business opportunities, including scoping of a sub-regional FAD management scheme, exploring PPP models for financing the development of a dedicated tuna port in Papua New Guinea, and “investment ready” support for establishment of a purse-seine vessel service centre at a major transhipping port.

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