

A sine-qua-non for eradicating protein malnutrition in Nigeria is increased ingestion of high-value proteins found in various fish forms. This study attempted to give empirical backing or refutation to the assertion that dried fish is consumed more than fresh fish in Nigeria. Data used were gathered in 90 rural and urban households selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Analytical tools used included descriptive, Z-test and Chi-square statistics and regression model. Empirical results revealed mean household size of 7 in both households while average annual income was N471,200.04 (2,908.6)andN326,466.58(2,908.6) and N326,466.58 (2015.2) in urban and rural households, respectively. The average quantity of fresh and dried fish consumed per household per year was 13.0kg and 47.0kg in urban, and 11.5kg and 38.0kg in rural households, respectively. There was no significant difference in the consumption of the dried (1.779, p > 0.10,) and fresh (1.904, p > 0.10) fish forms in both households. OLS regression result revealed that household head’s age and numbers of children below 15 years were not significant in influencing consumption (p> 0.10). Contrariwise, household size and fish price significantly negatively influenced quantity of fish consumed while household income exhibited significant positive effect on consumption. The education variable, which was not significant in dried fish consumption, had significant positive influence on fresh fish consumption. However, 50.0% and 27.0% of the respondents rated affordability and accessibility as the main hindrances to consumption. Policy options directed at tackling the high cost of fresh fish to achieve reduced price and increased consumption, were recommended

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