Structural changes in the Icelandic fisheries sector - a value chain analysis


This pilot study maps the structural changes in the Icelandic fisheries sector from 1990 to present, from the general to the specific. The background is the radical and substantial changes in the structure of harvesting, production and processing; in the export activities and marketing in Icelandic fisheries. The main characteristics of the fisheries sector have changed from being a centralised, regulated and an alliance based structure to a deregulated, diversified and a vertical integrated structure. The pilot study focuses on the changes in the structure of the value chain in the Icelandic fisheries analyzing the main forces of these changes. The study addresses the impact of macro-environmental changes on the seafood value chain and the seafood sectors reaction to these changes. The methodology is built on the analysis of organisational theory and on statistical analysis and micro-economic assessment. The value chains are described and analysed for selected major types of products according to the relative share of each of these products in the total production of seafood. The focus will be on the individual segments (levels) in the value chain

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