Vineyard Acreage in Oregon 1986


Oregon State University's Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics conducted a winegrape acreage survey in Oregon for the 1986 production year. Winegrape acreage has been increasing dramatically and the Wine Advisory Board (WAB) is interested in keeping track of these changes. In 1981, 1982, and 1984 the Department made surveys of acreage by county for both bearing and nonbearing vineyards. This 1986 survey also asked for information as to the acreage established in 1986, those planned for 1987, and the quantity of grapes sold out of state. This report contains some comparisons made with the data from the other surveys. The data are not directly comparable because some of the vineyards reporting in 1986 are new or different from those reporting in the past. The two-year comparisons are given to provide an indication of the changes taking place in the industry. Although various methods were used to get names and addresses of vineyard operators to include in the survey, all could not be contacted and some did not respond. However, it is our estimate that the numbers included here are estimated to represent 80 percent or more of the established vineyard acreage

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