Implementation of a high performance network node for a control oriented local area network


TASKMASTER is an experimental microcontroller node of a real-time control oriented network which was proposed by James H. Herzog and Tinggui Zhang to demonstrate the feasibility of a task oriented control structure in performing distributed control actions. This study is a continuation of research involving the TASKMASTER network. A high performance microcontroller the 32-bit Motorola MC68332 has been used in this study to implement a node of the TASKMASTER network. Use of the MC68332 with its powerful peripheral subsystems offers significant scope for improvement of the overall performance of the network in addition to strengthening its control processing capabilities. An 8-bit microcontroller the Intel 8052 has also been used to implement a node of the network. A high-level language C has been used for coding of the operating system of the network which previously has been coded in assembly. In addition to being more readable, use of a high-level language offers other significant advantages such as portability, smaller code development time and code debugging time and the ability to compare different microcontrollers on a common basis. A performance analysis and comparison between the two microcontrollers used and the language used in coding them was also performed using performance measures designed as part of this study

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