Chapter 6: AAD Use in Different Patient Populations, and a Patient-Centric Approach to Optimal Patient Management


Associated with longer life expectancy, greater survival of patients with cardiovascular disorders, and increased use of wearable and insertable/implantable devices capable of detection, the frequency of atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnosis is increasing. This chapter describes two representative patient cases that were used to enable a discussion of the evaluation and management of AF in different scenarios. One patient is young and healthy with paroxysmal AF but no major comorbidities (though there is a family history of AF). The other is older with multiple complicating comorbidities. These cases sparked an active discussion among the panelists that demonstrated not only the multitude of considerations when choosing the optimal therapy for each individual, but also the individualistic differences in biases and styles that can exist between experts in the field. The results of these discussions revealed agreement that

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