Measuring Energy Expenditure and Heart Rate during Maximum Aerobic Testing with the Apple Watch Series 7


Introduction: Wrist-worn devices such as the Apple Watch have emerged as technology for tracking physical activity. The aim of this research study is to analyze the Apple Watch Series 7 (AW7) with measurements of the maximum heart rate (MHR) and maximum energy expenditure (MEE) during a maximal aerobic capacity test on the treadmill. AW7 measurements will be compared to the Polar Heart Rate Monitor (Polar) and the PARVO Metabolic Cart (PARVO). Methods: 22 healthy and active subjects (mean ± SD: age 23.8 ± 4.0 years; BMI 23.0 ± 5.9 kg/m2 ) volunteered for the study. The subjects confirmed their activity, health status, and were measured for body composition and aerobic capacity. Results: No significant difference was found in MEE between PARVO (109.6 ± 41.7 kcal) and AW7 (98.7 ± 24.3 kcal) conditions; t(21)=1.5, p = 0.153. In addition, there was no significant difference in MHR between PARVO (186.2 ± 16.2 BPM) and AW7 (189.3 ± 8.5 BPM) conditions; t(21)=-0.9, p = 0.379. Conclusions: The main findings of this study show that the MEE as well as the MHR between the AW7 compared to the PARVO are not different

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