Ascoltare gli studenti per formare gli insegnanti?


The article discusses the importance of listening to students in the design and implementation of edu- cational reforms. The Student Voice perspective advocates for the inclusion of students as legitimate and neces- sary co-participants in the processes of educational change and reform. However, not all students have equal opportunities to express their opinions, and some are not taken into consideration fully. The article suggests that the practice of shared reading aloud can be a method for promoting listening and participation among students and teachers. By creating an environment of active listening shared reading aloud allows for the negotiation of complex meanings and the construction of unique relationships within the group. By treating students as active and valuable participants in the learning process, shared reading aloud can foster a sense of engagement among students, encouraging them to take an active role in their own education. Additionally, the article highlights the need for teacher training on listening skills and equitable practices

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