Efficient Quantum State Preparation with Walsh Series


A new approximate Quantum State Preparation (QSP) method is introduced, called the Walsh Series Loader (WSL). The WSL approximates quantum states defined by real-valued functions of single real variables with a depth independent of the number nn of qubits. Two approaches are presented: the first one approximates the target quantum state by a Walsh Series truncated at order O(1/ϵ)O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon}), where ϵ\epsilon is the precision of the approximation in terms of infidelity. The circuit depth is also O(1/ϵ)O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon}), the size is O(n+1/ϵ)O(n+1/\sqrt{\epsilon}) and only one ancilla qubit is needed. The second method represents accurately quantum states with sparse Walsh series. The WSL loads ss-sparse Walsh Series into nn-qubits with a depth doubly-sparse in ss and kk, the maximum number of bits with value 11 in the binary decomposition of the Walsh function indices. The associated quantum circuit approximates the sparse Walsh Series up to an error ϵ\epsilon with a depth O(sk)O(sk), a size O(n+sk)O(n+sk) and one ancilla qubit. In both cases, the protocol is a Repeat-Until-Success (RUS) procedure with a probability of success P=Θ(ϵ)P=\Theta(\epsilon), giving an averaged total time of O(1/ϵ3/2)O(1/\epsilon^{3/2}) for the WSL (resp. O(sk/ϵ)O(sk/\epsilon) for the sparse WSL). Amplitude amplification can be used to reduce by a factor O(1/ϵ)O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon}) the total time dependency with ϵ\epsilon but increases the size and depth of the associated quantum circuits, making them linearly dependent on nn. These protocols give overall efficient algorithms with no exponential scaling in any parameter. They can be generalized to any complex-valued, multi-variate, almost-everywhere-differentiable function. The Repeat-Until-Success Walsh Series Loader is so far the only method which prepares a quantum state with a circuit depth and an averaged total time independent of the number of qubits

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