Stories of violence: impact on children and youth


Tiene 24 horas para salir de aquí y si no, los matamos»; eso decía el papel que recibió el papá de Jorge, de 15 años. “Yo no vi el papel, mi papá lo guardó y nos dijo: Recojan todo que nos tenemos que ir». Cuando Jorge le preguntó a su padre por qué se iban, éste respondió: «No pregunté quién se murió, sino llore»You have 24 hours to get out of here and if you don't, we'll kill you»; That's what the paper that Jorge's 15-year-old father received said. "I didn't see the paper, my dad kept it and told us: Pick up everything we have to go." When Jorge asked his father why they were leaving, he replied: "I didn't ask who died, I just cried.

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