Exergy Analysis in Intensification of Sorption-enhanced Steam Methane Reforming for Clean Hydrogen Production: Comparative Study and Efficiency Optimisation


Data Availability Statement: All the generated data in this work has been presented and integrated within the paper in form of tabulated data....The research presented in this work has received financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the project β€œMultiphysics and multiscale modelling for safe and feasible CO2 capture and storage - EP/T033940/1”, as well as via the EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) award, EP/T518116/1 (project reference: 2688399). The authors would also like to acknowledge the UKCCSRC ECR Collaboration Fund 2022 (call 4) for the financial support of the collaboration between the researchers in this work

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