Procedural environment generation


This thesis consists of the development of a plugin for a 3D engine that allows the user to generate a 3D environment procedurally. How it will work is by taking a reference to 3D models previously created and displaying them in a finite area inside the world. This area, as well as the elements displayed on screen will be able to be editable by the user without entering or touching any script. The tool will contain an user interface where there will be the assets chosen, the area where the environment will be and the quantity of assets to display. The decision of using a commercial engine instead of creating it from scratch has been taken in base of the accessibility for the user, due to installing an external plugin is more simple. Another feature to take into account is the distribution and commercialization of the project, due to an engine from a big company containing its own marketplace where the users can upload projects and plugins. The main purpose of this project is also the possibility of implementation of this plugin in a videogame, due to it can save a lot of time while designing big scenarios taking advantage of procedural generation technology, which has been growing up during the last years

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