Motivational Coaching to Enhance Group Cohesiveness of Employee Company X Duri Pekanbaru: Experimental Studies


This study aims to determine the effect of coaching motivational to improve group cohesiveness in employees. Subjects in this study were 22 employees of Company X Duri Pekanbaru divided into 11 employees of experimental group and 11 employees of the control group. Data collection is done by using cohesiveness scale, interview, and observation. The research design used was pretest-posttest control group design. The research analysis used is quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis using U�Mann Whitney to determine the effect of coaching motivation on group cohesiveness in employees. Qualitative analysis is done based on observation and interview. The results showed that there were significant differences in group cohesiveness in employees between the experimental group and the control group with significant value of 0.002 (p <0.005). It is concluded that motivational coaching can enhance group cohesiveness in employees PT X Duri Pekanbaru

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