Meeting, Moving, Mastering - A Text Analysis of the Aesthetic Attractions of \u27Wild Swimming\u27


Why are people fascinated by swimming in nature? This article addresses the aesthetic experiences of wild swimming as expressed by five wild swimming authors in their books. Drawing from aesthetic philosophy, we analyze the ways in which the appeal of wild swimming is described on three levels: the allure of water in the environment, the sensory encounter between water and the body, and the experience of moving in water. Furthermore, with reference to Seel’s concept of nature aesthetics (1996), the experience of wild swimming is analyzed in terms of contemplation, correspondence, and imagination. We can conclude that the special intensity of the sensory experience of moving in water allows a closer connectedness to the surrounding natural world than land-based activities or swimming in artificial outdoor pools. This leads to a stronger ethical awareness, both regarding protection of natural water as well as the necessity of developing ‘water competency’ amongst humans

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