STOCK ITAMBÉ: UM EXEMPLO DE “GRANITO TIPO S” DA SUÍTE GRANÍTICA ESTRELA DO SUL, INTRUSIVO NA PORÇÃO MERIDIONAL FAIXA BRASILIA: Itambé Stock: an example of "S-type granite" from the Estrela do Sul Granite Suite, intrusive in the Southern portion of the Brasília Belt


ABSTRACT: The rocks of the Itambé Granite were identified southwest of the municipality of Estrela do Sul in the state of Minas Gerais, in the southern sector of the Brasília Belt, intrusive in lithotypes of the metasedimentary sequence of the Araxá Group. It is one of the seven Neoproterozoic stocks of the Suite Estrela do Sul Granite. From the geological surveys in scale 1:25.000, it was identified a stock composed of monzogranitic rocks arranged in an oval shape of approximately 6.2 km². The outcrops are predominantly characterized in block and thickets, defined by equi- a inequigranular rocks of fine to coarse granulation, hololeucocratic, isotropic and identified in six facies composed predominantly of quartz, microcline, oligoclase, biotite, muscovite (I and II), corundum, garnet, tourmaline, monazite, opaque minerals (hematite and ilmenite) and secondary minerals (epidote, calcite, leucoxene, iron hydroxide and clay minerals). They are rocks with contents between 67 and 70% of SiO2, high percentages of Al2O3 and K2O, in addition to high concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, you and K and enriched in light rare earth elements in relation to heavy ones. They are peraluminous, sin-collisional, high potassium to shoshonitic leucogranite, with granite signature to two S-type micas, generated by the partial crustal fusion of metasedimentary rocks, deep crustal levels, associated with crustal thickening in a continental volcanic arc environment, associated with the end of the evolution of the Brasilia Orogenic Belt. Keywords: Itambé Granite, Type S Granite and Estrela do Sul Intrusive SuiteRESUMO - As rochas do Granito Itambé foram identificadas a sudoeste do município de Estrela do Sul no estado de Minas Gerais, no setor meridional da Faixa Brasília, intrusivas em litotipos da sequência metassedimentar do Grupo Araxá. Constitui um dos sete stocks neoproterozoicos da Suíte Granítica Estrela do Sul. A partir dos levantamentos geológicos em escala 1:25.000, identificou-se um stock composto por rochas monzograníticas dispostas em uma forma ovalada com aproximadamente 6,2 km². Os afloramentos apresentam-se dominantemente caracterizados em bloco e matacões, definido por rochas equi- a inequigranulares de granulação fina a grossa, hololeucocráticas, isotrópicas e identificadas em seis fácies, composta dominantemente por: quartzo, microclínio, oligoclásio, biotita, muscovita (I e II), coríndon, granada, turmalina, monazita, minerais opacos (ilmenita e hematita) e minerais de alterações (epidoto, calcita, leucoxênio, hidróxido de ferro e argilominerais). São rochas com teores entre 67 a 70% de SiO2, altas porcentagens de Al2O3 e K2O, além das altas concentrações de Rb, Ba, Th, U e K e enriquecidas em elementos terras raras leves em relação as pesadas. São leucogranitos peraluminosos, sin-colisionais, de alto potássio a shoshonítico, com assinatura de granito a duas micas do tipo S, gerado pela fusão crustal parcial de rochas metassedimentares em níveis crustais profundo, associados ao espessamento crustal, em ambiente de arco vulcânicos continental, associadas ao final da evolução do Cinturão Orogênico Brasília. ABSTRACT: The rocks of the Itambé Granite were identified southwest of the municipality of Estrela do Sul in the state of Minas Gerais, in the southern sector of the Brasília Belt, intrusive in lithotypes of the metasedimentary sequence of the Araxá Group. It is one of the seven Neoproterozoic stocks of the Suite Estrela do Sul Granite. From the geological surveys in scale 1:25.000, it was identified a stock composed of monzogranitic rocks arranged in an oval shape of approximately 6.2 km². The outcrops are predominantly characterized in block and thickets, defined by equi- a inequigranular rocks of fine to coarse granulation, hololeucocratic, anisotropic to isotropic and identified in six facies composed predominantly of quartz, microcline, oligoclase, biotite, muscovite (I and II), garnet, tourmaline, monazite, opaque minerals (hematite and ilmenite) and secondary minerals (epidote, calcite, leucoxene, iron hydroxide and clay minerals). They are rocks with contents between 67 and 70% of SiO2, high percentages of Al2O3 and K2O, in addition to high concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, you and K and enriched in light rare earth elements in relation to heavy ones. They are peraluminous, sin-collisional, high potassium to shoshonitic leucogranite, with granite signature to two S-type micas, generated by the partial crustal fusion of metasedimentary rocks, deep crustal levels, associated with crustal thickening in a continental volcanic arc environment, associated with the end of the evolution of the Brasília Orogenic Belt

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