
In the urban environment, sometimes high sound levels are disguised amid the modern life stress, however, in certain occasions a few excess can represent grave decline in the activities efficiency, mainly, in those which request high levels of concentration and intellectual performance. The present study had its objective to evaluate acoustic condition in the university library of Unesp – campus Bela Vista, in Rio Claro (State of São Paulo). Therefore, were realized qualitative valuations applying questionnaires, complemented for quantitative valuations with acoustic mapping. Between the achieved results, was observed that the actual sound levels of library evaluated were in disagreement with the normative recommendation, causing low levels of usurious satisfaction. This positive correlation between the results of both valuations (qualitative and quantitative) reinforce the relevance of qualitative valuations in the search for environmental quality indicators, as well as its expressive potential of integration with the quantitative valuations, generating results more comprehensive and with more criterion. Key-words: Environmental Quality. Noise Pollution. Acoustic Comfort. Environmental Perception. Sound Mapping. University Library.RESUMO No ambiente urbano, muitas vezes níveis sonoros elevados mascaram-se em meio ao estresse da vida moderna, entretanto, em determinadas ocasiões pequenos excessos podem representar grandes perdas no rendimento de atividades, sobretudo, àquelas que requerem maior concentração e desempenho intelectual. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar condições acústicas nas dependências da biblioteca do campus Unesp - Bela Vista, em Rio Claro (SP). Para tanto, foram realizadas avaliações qualitativas mediante a aplicação de questionários, complementadas por avaliações quantitativas através de mapeamento sonoro. Entre os resultados obtidos, observou-se que os atuais níveis sonoros avaliados estão em desacordo com as recomendações normativas e apresentam baixos níveis de satisfação dos usuários. Esta correlação entre os resultados de ambas as avaliações reforça a relevância das avaliações qualitativas na busca por indicadores da qualidade ambiental, assim como seu expressivo potencial de integração às avaliações quantitativas, proporcionando resultados mais abrangentes e criteriosos. Palavras-Chave: Qualidade Ambiental. Poluição Sonora. Conforto Acústico. Percepção Ambiental. Mapeamento Sonoro. Biblioteca Universitária. ABSTRACT In the urban environment, sometimes high sound levels are disguised amid the modern life stress, however, in certain occasions a few excess can represent grave decline in the activities efficiency, mainly, in those which request high levels of concentration and intellectual performance. The present study had its objective to evaluate acoustic condition in the university library of Unesp – campus Bela Vista, in Rio Claro (State of São Paulo). Therefore, were realized qualitative valuations applying questionnaires, complemented for quantitative valuations with acoustic mapping. Between the achieved results, was observed that the actual sound levels of library evaluated were in disagreement with the normative recommendation, causing low levels of usurious satisfaction. This positive correlation between the results of both valuations (qualitative and quantitative) reinforce the relevance of qualitative valuations in the search for environmental quality indicators, as well as its expressive potential of integration with the quantitative valuations, generating results more comprehensive and with more criterion. Key-words: Environmental Quality. Noise Pollution. Acoustic Comfort. Environmental Perception. Sound Mapping. University Library

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