Revealing Transition in Fall-off Rates of spin-s Ising Model through Multiqudit Graph states


A variable-range interacting Ising model with spin-1/2 particles exhibits distinct behavior depending on the fall-off rates in the range of interactions, notably non-local (NL), quasi-local (QL), and local. It is unknown if such a transition occurs in this model with an arbitrary spin quantum number. We establish its existence by analyzing the profiles of entanglement entropy, mutual information, and genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) of the weighted graph state (WGS), which is prepared when the multi-level maximally coherent state at each site evolves according to the spin-s Ising Hamiltonian. Specifically, we demonstrate that the scaling of time-averaged mutual information and the divergence in the first derivative of GME with respect to the fall-off rate in the WGS can indicate the transition point from NL to QL, which scales logarithmically with individual spin dimension. Additionally, we suggest that the existence of a saturation value of a finite number of qudits capable of mimicking the GME pattern of an arbitrarily large system-size can reveal the second transition point between quasi-local and local regions.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

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