Implementation Of Management Strategy For Private Higher Education In Palopo City


The objective of this study was to examine the implementation of educational strategies in private higher education institutions located in Palopo City. The study specifically focused on evaluating student perceptions, awareness, alignment, satisfaction, demographic variances, and identifying potential areas for improvement. A quantitative research methodology was utilized in this study, employing surveys that were distributed to a representative sample of students from multiple institutions in Palopo City. The survey instrument comprised of closed-ended and Likert-scale questions, which were utilized to evaluate student perceptions and experiences pertaining to the implementation of educational strategies. Furthermore, demographic data was also gathered. The examination of survey data utilizing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) unveiled that students exhibited a notable degree of consciousness, robust congruence, and elevated contentment with educational methodologies. Significant demographic disparities were noted, as STEM students and senior individuals exhibited a lower level of apprehension. Recommendations for improvement encompass the enhancement of technology infrastructure, the augmentation of community engagement, and the enhancement of career readiness components. The research findings illustrate the significance of effective communication, congruence with academic programs, and the prioritization of student satisfaction in the management of educational strategies. Developing tailored strategies to address the diverse needs of student populations and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement are of utmost importance for the successful implementation of strategies in private higher education institutions located in Palopo City

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