Assessment of the Expression of Smile Intensity with or without Wearing Mask


Introduction: Smile is the most important means of communication of our feelings and emotions. The usage of a mask for prevention of respiratory illness can hamper the basic communication to some extent. This study was conducted to assess the smile intensity with or without wearing mask. Method: Photographs of 6 participants were taken in no smile, mild smile, moderate smile and full smile intensity were taken and mask was added to them using adobe photoshop. 95 participants (32 Interns, 32 UG and 31PG) rated these masked and unmasked photographs on a scale of 0-3 based on the smile intensity perceived by them. Comparisons of rating of the same photographs were done for masked and unmasked group.  Results: Ratings for the unmasked photographs were more accurate compared to their masked version. The actual rating and the ratings given by the participants were similar in case of unmasked photos. Masked photographs ratings were dissimilar from the actual ratings. Conclusion: Mask usage causes difficulty in accurately assessing the smile intensity and limits the recognition of facial expressions

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