
A high school strength and conditioning program should ideally improve fitness and develop sport-specific motor skills in athletes. This could be a targeted goal if research details relationships between sport-specific motor skills and measures of fitness in high school athletes. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between throwing velocity with muscular strength and power in boys high school water polo athletes after a 4-week resistance training block targeting strength. Eighteen athletes from one high school were recruited. Age, height, and body mass were recorded prior to training. Performance testing occurred in one day after the 4-week training block; strength was measured using combined handgrip strength from both hands and isometric lower-body strength via a leg/back dynamometer. Power was measured by a countermovement jump and 2-kg seated medicine ball throw. As a motor skill metric, participants maximally threw a water polo ball to measure throwing velocity. Partial correlations and stepwise regression controlling for age calculated relationships between throwing velocity with handgrip strength, leg/back strength, the countermovement jump, and medicine ball throw (p<0.05). Combined handgrip strength (r=0.712), leg/back strength (r=0.656), and the medicine ball throw (r=0.684) all showed significant positive relationships with throwing velocity. Age and combined handgrip strength predicted throwing velocity with 61.3% explained variance (r2=0.658, p<0.001). The data indicated that throwing velocity significantly related to handgrip and leg/back strength and upper-body power (measured by the medicine ball throw). As the program targeted these qualities, this could have influenced the relationships with the sport-specific motor skill of throwing.Program snage i kondicije namenjen srednjoškolcima bi idealno trebalo da poboljša kondiciju i razvije motoričke veštine specifične za sport kod sportista. Za ovaj problem bi se moglo naći rešenje ukoliko bi istraživanja detaljno opisala odnose između motoričkih veština specifičnih za sport i kondiciju sportista srednoškolaca. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita odnos između brzine bacanja sa mišićnom snagom i silom kod vaterpolista srednjoškolaca nakon 4-nedeljnog treninga otpora koji je ciljao snagu. Regrutovano je osamnaest sportista iz jedne srednje škole. Starost, visina i telesna masa zabeleženi su pre treninga. Testiranje učinka obavljeno je u jednom danu nakon blok treninga u trajanju od 4 nedelje; snaga je merena korišćenjem kombinovanom snagom stiska obe šake i izometrijske snage donjeg dela tela upotrebom dinamometra nogu/leđa. Sila je merena skokom iz počučnja i bacanjem medicinske lopte od 2 kg sedeći. Radi merenja motoričke veštine, učesnici su maksimalno bacali vaterpolo loptu da bi se izmerila brzina bacanja. Delimične korelacije i kontrola stepena regresije za odnose izračunate su prema uzrastu između brzine bacanja sa snagom stiska, snagom nogu/leđa, skoka iz počučnja i bacanja medicinske lopte (p<0,05). Kombinovana snaga stiska (r=0,712), sila nogu/leđa (r=0,656) i bacanje medicinske lopte (r=0,684) pokazali su značajnu pozitivnu vezu sa brzinom bacanja. Starost i kombinovana snaga stiska predviđaju brzinu bacanja sa 61,3% objašnjene varijanse (r2=0,658, p<0,001). Rezultati su pokazali da je brzina bacanja značajno povezana sa snagom stiska i nogu/leđa i snagom gornjeg dela tela (mereno bacanjem medicinske lopte). Pošto je program ciljao ove kvalitete, mogao bi uticati na odnose sa motoričkom veštinom bacanja koja je specifična za sport

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