Coke Oven Emission Standards - A Comparative Assessment


In USA, Clean Air Act(CAA) came into existence from 1963 onwards. Consent decrees, state implementation plans and Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) regulations were put in vogue for coke oven emissions in 1970s. These were different for different batteries. Progressively charging practices were changed and many developments were also carried in door, lid, and off-take arrangements. Extensive research (both technical and financial) was carried out for the development of regul-atory alternatives in 1980s. Finally CAAA-1990 came into extistence after lot of negotiations. Whereas in India, there were almost no standards (except CO and particulate matter emissions) existed before 1997. The philosophy behind the new standards is new to coke oven designers, suppliers, builders and operators. The environmental aspects so far remained focused on the ear-lier standards only. Adapting new concept would take time for all the players in the industry. The paper elaborates the methodology adopted for evaluation of coke oven emi-ssion standards in USA with respect to the same followed in India and at the end comes out with a proposal for acceptance by the Regulatory Authorities

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