Proučavanje jezgre 198au pomoću neutronskog uhvata i (d,p) reakcijom. I. Eksperimenti i procjena


The transfer reaction 197Au(d,p)198Au was measured at the Tandem Accelerator in Munich. The 197Au(n,γ) 198Au and 197Au(n,e)198Au reactions were performed at the High Flux Reactor of ILL, Grenoble. Up to 1560 keV a total of 111 levels were observed by the (d,p) reaction and 125 by the (n,γ) reaction. For many of the levels, spins and parities were assigned. Additional information was obtained from summed (n,γγ) coincidences measured in Dubna.Načinjena su mjerenja relacije 197Au(d,p)198Au pomoću tandem Van de Graaff akceleratora u Munchenu, a reakcije 197Au(n,γ) 198Au i 197Au(n,e)198Au proučavane su pri nuklearnom reaktoru u Institutu Lane–Laugevin u Grenoblu. Reakcijom (d,p) opaženo je do energije uzbude od 156 keV ukupno 111 nivoa, a reakcijom (n,γ) 125 nivoa. Za mnoge nivoe utvrđeni su momenti impulsa i parnosti. Dodatni su podaci postignuti mjerenjem zbrojnih (n,γγ) sudara u Institutu u Dubni

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