Electron-impact integral cross sections for the excitation of the lowest lying autoionizing level generated by the inner-shell 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s 2S e → 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s2 2P 0 complex transition in sodium (Na) atomic system have been calculated. In the calculation, single-configuration Hartree-Fock (HF) wave functions for both initial and final states involved in the transition matrix element within the asymptotic Green function approximation (AGFA) proposed by Tiwary (1981) were employed. The calculation was done exactly in the same way as in the earlier work in the case of the lightest alkali-metal atom lithium (Tiwary (1985), Tiwary, Macek and Madison (1985)) and the heaviest alkali-metal atom caesium (Tiwary (1983)) in the bombarding energy range from the threshold to 1500 eV. For the first time, Tiwary (1983) predicted the resonance behaviour in near vicinity of the excitation threshold in Cs using AGFA. Feuerstein et al. (1998) performed the experiment and observed resonance behaviour in the neighbourhood of excitation threshold in Na. Comparison has been made with available relevant experimental observations and other theoretical predictions. Our present AGFA theoretical result is qualitatively in accord with the experimental results.Izračunali smo integralne udarne presjeke za uzbudu najnižeg autoionizacijskog stanja koje nastaje udarom elektrona te putem kompleksnog prijelaza 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s 2S e Q 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s2 2P 0 među unutarnjim ljuskama u atomima natrija. U računu smo primijenili jedno-konfiguracijske Hartree-Fockove (HF) valne funkcije za odnosna početna i konačna stanja u matričnom elementu unutar asimptotskog približenja za Greenove funkcije (AGFA), predloženog Tiwary-em (1981). Račun je proveden točno na način kao u ranijem radu za najlakši alkalijski metalni atom litij (Tiwary (1985), Tiwary, Macek and Madison (1985)) i najteži alkalijski metalni atom cezij (Tiwary (1983)), za energije elektrona od praga do 1500 eV. Tiwary (1983) je prvi predvidio rezonanciju blizu iznad uzbudnog praga u Cs primjenom AGFA-e. Feuerstein et al. (1998) izveli su mjerenja i vidjeli rezonanciju u blizini uzbudnog praga u Na. Načinili smo usporedbu poznatih eksperimentalnih podataka i drugih teorijskih predviđanja. Naši su sadašnji teorijski rezultati u skladu s eksperimentalnima