Understanding barriers to purchasing healthier, more sustainable food for people living with obesity and food insecurity.


In westernised countries, food insecurity (FI), poorer diet quality, and obesity are disproportionately represented in groups experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. Grocery stores are one promising arena for intervention; however how these settings can facilitate purchasing of healthier, more sustainable food in people living with obesity (PLWO) and FI remains unclear. Using an online survey (N=583), adults residing in England or Scotland with a body mass index of ≥30kg/m2 self-reported on FI, diet quality, and their experiences of shopping in a grocery store for healthy and sustainable food. Using structural equation modelling, greater FI was directly associated with barriers from the food environment (e.g., price), food preparation practices, lower healthy diet knowledge and physical ill-health. Moreover, greater FI was indirectly associated with poorer diet quality via poorer mental health and greater experiences of self-stigma associated with being food insecure. Grocery store interventions based on price or incentivisation were ranked most helpful in supporting healthier, more sustainable purchasing. These findings highlight the challenges faced by this group when shopping and underscore the need for policy development relating to price and affordability at a population-level, and for clinicians to offer tailored, holistic approaches to obesity treatment that acknowledges and minimises stigma and mental health

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