Forearc deformation along the peruvian margin and the effects of changes in subduction style: quantifying the rates of Quaternary deformation using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al.


The Andes are one ofthe world's two highest mountain ranges and together wíth the westem cordillera of North America they forro an almost a continuous mountaín chain from the tip of Patagonia to the Alaskan peninsula. Common to all the cordillera of westem North and South America is the ín:fluence oflong-lived subduction. Indeed, the style of this subduction process has profoundly modified the margin of both continents. For example, following relatively normal subduction in the Jurassíc and the Cretaceous, the Laramide orogeny of North America is thought to have been produced from effects of extremely flat subduction

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