Development of hemp seed oil nanoemulsions loaded with ascorbyl palmitate : effect of operational parameters, emulsifiers, and wall materials


DATA AVAILABILITY : Data will be made available on request.The perceived health properties of hemp seed oil, as one of the few plant-based sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with an ideal ratio of 1:3, suggest its incorporation in food-grade emulsions to improve its water solubility and oxidative stability. The current research's main aim was nanoemulsification of hemp seed oil using the oil-in-water emulsification method followed by ultrasonication. The entrapment efficiency of the nanoemulsions for antioxidant ascorbyl palmitate and its impact on oxidative stability of the oil was also evaluated. Gum arabic: maltodextrin in 75:25 ratio could result in nanoemulsion with entrapment efficiency of 97.10 % for ascorbyl palmitate and radical scavenging activity of oil-soluble bioactives of 92.13 %. Moreover, incorporation of ascorbyl palmitate could effectively retard the oxidation, specifically in nanoemulsions containing gum Arabic. The optimum formulation of nanoemulsion having an average droplet size of 293 nm can be applied as an ideal vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids.The DSI (Department of Science and Innovation) and NRF (National Research Foundation) Centre of Excellence in Food Security. ScienceFood ScienceSDG-02:Zero Hunge

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