Descolonizando Tiempo, Espacio y Conocimiento: El pueblo Kamëntšá en la encrucijada del patrimonio cultural


The dissertation is focused on three interrelated aspects: 1) the development of a decolonial theoretical framework and collaborative research methodology with the Kamëntšá people centred on the respect for Kamëntšá ethics, principles and social norms, and the consequent reconstruction, revitalization and dignification of Kamëntšá knowledge, arts, spirituality and notions of time and space; 2) the history and colonization processes of the Kamëntšá people and Uaman Tabanok, its ancestral lands, with a specific emphasis on the work of the Capuchin missionaries, particularly their concept of enculturation and how it transformed and resignified Kamëntšá culture and religion using its own arts, narratives and rituals which were in harmony with Christianity; and 3) the concept of “cultural heritage” and the role of academic disciplines, research practices, government institutions and cultural policies in the perpetuation of colonialism through the appropriation, interpretation, control and resignification of the objects, monuments and cultures of Indigenous peoples, and their consequent contribution to maintaining inequality, racism and historical social injustices.Gerda Henkel Foundation Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) COLING Project - EU Horizon 2020 program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 778384Heritage of Indigenous People

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