

[[abstract]]ABSTRACT This study attempts to explore the social background of Buddhist music creation in Taiwan and the development of Buddhist music creation in modern times. This exploration proceeds through an awareness of how Buddhist music stabilizes and purifies the body and soul, as well as how students of Buddhist music creation are expected to experience the true meaning of life aesthetics and transformation. The writer wishes to achieve the following purposes: 1. To understand the learning experience and enlightenment during Buddhist music creation. 2. To understand the influence factors of Buddhist music creation. 3. To understand the transformation before and after Buddhist music creation and its inspiration on life. 4. To understand the life aesthetics found after Buddhist music creation. This study adopted a combination of narrative methodology and case studies, focused on individuals, and four Buddhists were chosen as case study objects. The description of case study characteristics sprang from the music-creation behavior type of the research individuals. The study’s strategies included in-depth interviews, situational observation, music appreciation, among other methods. This study adopted a narrative methodology and case study approach for the following two reasons: 1. Life transformation is a research issue in human beings’ life stories; 2. The ultimate goal of case studies is for interviewees to offer information of real research value. Because an examination of students of Buddhist music creation takes place in a natural setting, the learners’ behaviors, language expressions, and interactions in different learning settings are also important data resources, in addition to in-depth interviews. In this study, Buddhist music creation was reviewed through appreciation of its quality; appreciation is also a research method. This research found that “realization” is the intelligent action of applying knowledge flexibly, which is an element in facilitating human life’s transformation from knowledge to intelligence; “willpower” is staying in a calm state for a long time, which is the power source of surmounting oneself; “intelligence” in sensing nature is realizing the significance that exists in each moment, which is the key to opening life’s significance; and what students of Buddhist music creation pursue actively is the ideal life aesthetic condition of “beauty in nothingness” (kongmei). Realization of life meanings proceeds chronologically and each stage has different goals. Once it begins, it then goes on and on. Besides, interpretation of Buddhist music creation experience depends on whether the individual will propose “active” questions. Promotion of Buddhist music by teaching helps in mind experiencing and meaning practicing. Beauty in Buddhist doctrine, beauty in literature, and beauty in music and art are all life aesthetics of different tunes rendered with equal skill and can be sung together. From the life experiences of students of Buddhist music creation, and their awareness of the meanings of “beauty in nothingness” (kongmei) and “beauty in somethingness” (youmei), our understanding of life aesthetics is recreated. The contribution of this research is providing clearer notions of the development and patterns of Buddhism music in all previous Chinese dynasties. In order for further discussion and development to take place, the related theoretical concepts of Buddhism and Buddhist music development have to be reconstructed. Also, it is implicitly understood in this research that Buddhist music creation is a method for continued cultural development, one that enables us to effectively understand the meaning of life aesthetics in Buddhist music, and to experience a realization of life’s significance. The establishment of a system for academic research of Buddhist music is a breakthrough that the future may bring. This study’s suggestions for education are as follows: including Buddhist song creation in Buddhist college courses; setting up Buddhist music platforms to encourage Buddhist song creation; making excellent works from competitions into Buddhist music and art texts and audio learning books for education and cultural preservation. As for future research, this study suggests studying Buddhist music creation learners of different group backgrounds. Keywords: Buddhist Music Creation; Life Transformation; Life Meaning

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